Evil Dreams and the Military in Burma
by Ken and Visakha Kawasaki
from Relief Notes 1996
The Almsbowl Remains Overturned
A Report on SLORC's Abuses of Buddhism in Burma
by Buddhist Relief Mission
February 1997
Blessing of new residence and office
July 28, 2002
A House Blessing
Ken & Visakha Kawasaki
Composed by
Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi
A blessing of monks
Holiday feast in Flint attracts
record number of holy men
By George Jaksa
Journal Religion Writer
Flint Journal, Flint Michigan
May 4, 2002
Buddhist benefactors
Local couple conduct Worldwide relief drive
By George Jaksa
Journal Religion Writer
Flint Journal, Flint Michigan
September 1st, 2001
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