In the Dhammpada we find the story of Patacara, who was on the way to her parents' home to give birth to her second child. On the way, her husband was killed by a cobra, and she went into labor, delivering her baby beside the road in the driving rain. As soon as she was able, Patacara continued on with her two sons. Coming to a swollen river, she told the older boy to wait while she carried her newborn to the other side. As she was returning, a hawk mistook the baby for a piece of meat and snatched it up. When the older son saw his mother waving her arms to scare away the bird, he thought she was signaling to him. He toddled into the river and was swept away by the raging current. Although distraught at her losses, Patacara could do nothing but continue on alone. As she neared her hometown she learned that her parents' house had collapsed due to the heavy rains, crushing her mother, father, and brother. She could see the cremation fire still burning. Devastated by this further tragedy, she completely lost her mind. Wandering half-naked through Savatthi, she was at last taken by a kindly stranger to meet Buddha, who consoled her and taught her the Dhamma.