For Visakha's birthday, her friends joined her in offering dana at the local temple. Read the clues below to find out what each person gave.
1. Some friends brought two things, but no one brought more than two.
2. No man brought anything to eat.
3. At least two friends brought dessert.
4. No one brought both dessert and something else to eat.
5. Lily didn't put her salad on the same table as George's incense.
6. Only one friend brought soap, and he didn't bring anything else.
7. Kumara brought two things.
8. Only the friends who brought dessert brought candles.
9. Towels were the only dana that both a man and a woman brought.
10. Only two friends brought only one thing.
Use the grid below to solve this puzzle. Mark an X in any box when you are sure that that person did not offer that dana. Mark an O when you are sure that that person offered that dana.